
From 14s and over

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Age: 16

I can see her now,
Through my bedroom window.
Tall and lithe
Wonderful and white
She doesn't know about me
And all the things I see
And she doesn't know of
my namer for her, 'dove'

She is my albino girl
Her white hair in curl
Her beautiful face pale
Everyday, as she walks, I watch her
Through the dove window
I am a secret admirer
Through the dove window

Years may pass by
But so will she
and I will forever be
Looking out my dove window
Maybe one day she'll look up
Maybe, one day she'll see
Maybe, before then
Courage will find me.
I won't need my dove window then
One day, I'll tell her everythin'.

My admiring days are gone
I will no longer watch my dove
I have expressed to her my undying love
And now we look togethor
Through the dove window
Watching another
Through the dove window.

When we are gone from this world
And other lonely souls live here
When the days cease to be cold
Maybe they will look through the dove window
At another time, another place, another love
Maybe even another dove.

O Time,what art thou?
Are you not the wind of fate
That haunt me from morn to dusk
Hover around me like some bees
Forever I've wondered at your flight!

Won't you be kind enough,O Time
To slow down
So that I may catch up with you?
Haven't you teased me long enough?
Have you then no compassion, no pity?

To wait, O the tide of time
You are ever like mighty waves
Washing away fond memories without mercy
And leaves no trace for me, nor clues
So that I can puzzle out your game, so clever
Not a vestige of a shadow can I see
Once you have blown gently past
Nothing....but despair...

Oh,do,do slow down
So that I may catch up with you.

Written by
16 years.


In the delightful, dazzling and dreamy dawn,
In luring harmony of the sun and the morn,
Walking hand in hand at that beautiful dawn,
Could have been delightful in that misty morn,
Rocking in the magic of the eerie stillness,
With the haunting melody of the rippling cascades,

Walking out of the cottage,
With feelings in my heart like cottage.

In that beautiful scenario with a honey sweet friend
Was a delightful thought to be with my friend?
I walked still and lazy in that dazzling dawn,
Like in a barren was a wounded fawn!

With tears was formed a blurred image,
Like a beautiful tree was covered with cotton soft flakes,
Under the gray skies,
Amongst the beautiful butterflies,
We used to remain together for hours long,
Humming the beats of our dear song,

In the luring harmony of the sun and the morn,
I walked still and lazy missing you in that beautiful dawn,

With tears was formed
The notes 0f our dear song
I walked lifeless and lazy
With your memories still warm and cozy

I felt you were walking side by side,
But knew it was all a trick played by mind,

I saw you coming close to me to accompany me,
But knew I had only memories to accompany me,
I walked pale and lazy missing you in that misty morn,

But I still have a faith within,
That a beautiful day will bring in,
The sun and the rain together again!!!

Sugandh, aged 16

You‚ the blood of my heart

You‚ dear the blood of my heart,
Didn't you ever think am not so hard..
You never felt what you made me feel,
cause you ever think my love is unreal.
My deepest desire is a smile on your face, For all this I trotted the path I cant retrace.
My sincerity and passion are costing so hard
That I need to make coins from my only heart.
Am fallen in a pit dug so deep,
Can't even think - how will I leap?
I am in a cage that has no bars,
But this bird is wingless... How will I touch the stars?
Am so wounded that I can't sleep
Coz the seeds I sowed are now fully reap.
I painted a scenario of a beautiful morn,
I forgot... pictures shoe all what is unborn.
I hoped for a horizon of morning ray,
But never knew it would be the end of a day.

Sugandh, age 16

Wings to fly

I never knew the word what people called love,
Just knew the delight of a snow dove,
So calm and serene watching the stars above!

Your smile made me happy,
Your words made me frisky,

Never knew what all you gave and felt,
But found it love what there in my heart had dwelt.

Your love gave me wings to fly,
I never had a reason to cry

I never wanted the stars above,
Just wanted your immense love

The day you told me it was not love,
But only friendly feelings that guided your love.

I felt all the more happy to know the truth,
All the more frisky to adore this truth.

But the day you told me you want me know more,
I had the reason to cry more and more.

I felt broken and a caged bird,
You ripped my heart just like dirt.

My wings were no more free to fly,
I just simply wanted to cry and cry.

I lived by your memories and those wings
I'll alwremember you my love for all those wonderful things

Many people entered in my life,
They wanted your place and add some spice,

Am happy to say they all failed,
My first love proved immortal and unveiled.

I loved you since the day I felt this affection,
And will love you till the love of my life wins over this affection!!

Sugandh, age 16

My grandfather "a tribute to true love"

Grandfather!! Grandfather!!
You are in my heart for ever,
Now that you are not here,
I will love you more than ever,
For I have a treasure,
Which you gave me with immense pleasure,
Charity, kindness and politeness,
Given to me in large measure,
Your thoughts crowd my mind,
When you are being remind,
The tears cover my eyes,
Just like a tree with flakes of ice,
But it's my great pleasure,
To know that am a part of you,
Though in small measure!!!!!!


Mon Ange (by Maria)

You are my angel
A pale figure
With a face of cracked porcelain
A chipped nose and one glassy blue eye
Ripped downy wings that won't fly

Temperate and serene
Yet somber as you skip across a rainbow
Long fingers with bulbous knuckles
Ravaged nails
And pierced through your hands
Sharp stakes that splinter
And whisper of butchery

Yet you smile and dance
Almost a pirouette on broken feet
A gaunt figure in an ivory skirt
You are anarchy in your insurrection
Not pious but fiendish while cloaked in innocence

You are almost elegant
Almost a dowdy figure
You are my angel


All lost, all scared, all weak and dreary,
Not ready, not healthy, not strong just weary,
Not wanting to cooperate, too lazy to talk,
Not even ready to look, can't even walk,
To nervous to be happy, not even gonna try,
I know you don't believe me but for sure its not a lie,
I'm trying to tell you about my life, it's not easy,
Thinking people are like this makes us kind of queasy,
I didn't really wanna say what happens now a days,
There are no more happy people no more "HIP HOORAYS!"
I'm sad to say all of this has gone and disappeared,
All of the people on this earth are getting kind of weird,
I'm gonna walk away now and say this last request,
"I wish that all would talk about what they thought and that's the rest."
Don't think you can escape the things you do not say,
You can't always keep them inside until another day,
Even though we all don't care what we say or do,
This poem is going nowhere so I think that I am through.

Kim Beaulieu

Manic Mushrooms

Mushrooms, mushrooms everywhere, on my shoes
And in my hair, in my cupboard and under my bed,
I can’t get these mushrooms out my head,
They are everywhere, I know they're in the microwave
And in the car, why are they after me? Leave me alone!
They even listen when I’m on the phone.
People say I’m mad, they have sent me away.
It’s a nice place, I have my own room
With padded walls, I don’t get out much now,
But at least in here I’m safe from the

(Age 16)


Girls can be giddy
Girls can be great
All we need is
A really good mate.
Lazing and Dazing
As we sit in the sun
Clapping and chatting
And having some fun.
As we talk and
Walk to the shop
We come to a road
And have to stop,
Then look both ways
As cars rush past
We’re the ones who
Always cross last.
But being a girl
Can be tough
You just have to
Know your stuff

Rebecca Harvey age 14

Hot Day, by Kaz aged 15
Hot Day

My eyes open to the blinding light
And the sound of birds singing with the greatest of might.
I take in the sweet scented air, and sigh out loud
But theres nobody to hear, nobody near.

I am alone, far away from home
I have no reason to go back.
I prefer being alone
In this mystery unknown
In this timeless world,
I will lose track
And break those chains of unhappiness
That hold me back.

The meadow is warm
As if it were from the dawn
This world is asleep,
As if we're under the blankets
Of this pleasant heat.
The sun beats down,
Still nobody around.

I lay down
On the open ground
Thinking of the world that
Makes me frown
And why it always
Gets me down.

The sun sets low as I awake,
A cold chill makes me quake.
The sun has gone to bed
And I walk home alone again
Only happier instead.

My Reflection

My reflection is everything to me.
What I look like is what I see.
When I'm gelling my hair,
Hours upon hours I would stare.
just before I skate off to school
I'd take one last glance and say..
"hey, you're cool!"


Can't Kickflip

I can get it round but can't seem to land it.
I just need to position my feet right,
Move them forward a bit.
most of the time I can land it on the grass
But on the pavement, I might land on my ass.
Sometimes the board lands far away from me;
Whenever this happens I try not to get stressy.
YES! I landed it, I landed the kickflip at last!
Now time to move on.
Let's try a heelflip and land it..


Can't Heelflip

Now this is harder than a kickflip,
It's difficult to get round.
And if it gets round, it's hard to land;
It seems this trick is far bound.
I can barely land it on the grass.
How stupid is that?
If I could land it on the pavement,
On my face I would land flat!


My Ex

She was great at first.
We had such a good time together
but it seems we were cursed.
It was as it we'd last for ever.

Could we have worked it out?
She wasn't willing to try.
She thought of me nought,
I felt like I would break down and cry.

It was another guy, I knew it.
His name was Brendon.
I don't know how but I blew it,
I did everything I could have done.

Where did I go wrong?
Did she even love me at all?
How did everythign go oblong?
At what part of the relationship did I fall?

Oh well I guess it's over now
I'd better get on with my life.
Forget about her somehow.
Why do girls give so much strife?

No Land

If there wasn't land
There would be no sea.
There would be no sand,
There wouldn't be a tree.

No plants to be seen,
Except algae and seaweed.
But none will grow a bean;
We wouldn't have all we need.

Do you think we'd be better off?
Is it harder work to swim than walk?
Do you think we'd still cough?
Do you think we'd even talk?


Tell your friends
that you have some work here.

What is a Rose?

A rose is a symbol of love, a symbol of affection and admiration.

A rose is a symbol of marriage, a symbol of life-long commitment.

A rose is a symbol of death, a symbol of sadness and comfort.

A rose is a symbol of loneliness, shimmering alone in a glass vase.

By Claire Marie Beeson
Aged 14

'My Prayer to a God less than Human'

These butchered words that fall from my lips
Sweet sugar coated razorblades, they slice
Bringing forth such honoured blood from my hips
As their voices chorus in tones of ice

Those awful words that fell upon my ears
Making angels cry in sacred places
My most horrid nightmares, grown beyond their years
Stealing smileless smiles from faceless faces

This is my prayer to a God less than human
No one will hear this, and no one will care
This is my hymn to someone hell-sent by rumour
Dirty halos abound, his prescence felt there

Scarred wounds caused by memories of a past love
A demon smiling as my heart beat its path
A symphonic gathering of souls fly above
The apocalypse war cries as all feel my wrath

More blood must be spilt if the world will survive
Men will fight over land that never was theirs
Stand up, take the challenge, prove you're alive
Heaven's in my basement and hell's atop the stairs

This is my prayer to a God less than human
No one will hear this, and no one will care
This is my hymn to someone hell-sent by rumour
Dirty halos abound, his prescence felt there

The siren-like wails that escape from my lips
Cause earthquakes in lands far away from my mind
The very seabeds shall tremble, and the high mountain tips
Homicide is always an easy way to unwind

And when I'm done with this homage of earthly delights
I'll descend from the stars and bring peace to you all
Your mortality will be replaced by quiet urban nights
Whoever's weak shall stand, whoever's strong shall fall

This is my prayer, to a Goddess of might
This is my hymn, to a God of the night
This is my offering, to an idol of light
This is my poem, and what a sweet sight

By Sinéad, Age 15

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