Welcome To The Budding Poet

Poetry site just for younger writers

Welcome to The Budding Poet!
Welcome! Here is a place for all the budding poets to post their work.
To the poets...
Every poem you send us on email will be read by us and most will be put on the site. Everyone who has a poem on the site will have a certificate sent back on email when it goes on the site :-)
We only need your first name and your age, which we will put by your poem, and an email address to send your certificate (which we will not put by your poem).
If you like, you can draw a picture or send us a picture of your pet, or what ever you wrote the poem about.
We would like it to be all on email please :-)
Good luck, and we look forward to seeing all of your work soon
Please tell an adult that you have sent your work here.
Paula :-)

Dear Parents
we reserve the right to edit or refuse poems as necessary (understand:-)We are now planning a children's anthology!!!! Co-editor is Sue Whitmarsh and more news will be available soon.

EXCITING NEWS!!!!! For Our Teenage Writers aged 13-17

The Whitmarsh Prize for Young Writers

There is a new poetry prize in the name of John Whitmarsh, a much loved and respected writer from The People's Poet website. It is awarded each year to the teenage writer who has most impressed our panel and site visitors with their work in the past year.
The prize is:
An engraved award, presented at one of our events in October or November, to suit yourself.
A collection of your own poetry opublished in a book to a maximum of 60 pages and ten free copies for yourself to give to friends and family.
The winner for 2004 has already been selected and it is Maria Onyango from Salisbury in Wiltshire, UK. Maria was presented with her prize by Sue Whitmarsh at our poetry slam in October 2004. Her personal collection of work will commence production shortly.

here is our email address
email Paula with your poems

SPRING 2005 MAGAZINE to view as a pdf file