
Poems from 6-9s :-)

Here are the poems from 6 to 9 year olds :-)tell us about which ones you like.

send us your pictures

A poem from Chloe aged 7 years

A Cat and A Dog

A cat and a dog went out for tea
The cat said to the dog "will you marry me?"
'Of course' said the dog "why wouldn't I?
We will eat soup, carrots and chicken pie."
"Yum" said the cat "that sounds good, but what about fish?"
Said the dog "we would!"
She was a cat
He was a dog
And their baby was
A tiny cog.

want to see a picture of your pet here?

Dog in the window
what do you see?
the path to the park
and my favourite tree

age 9

change this picture for your drawing

and put your poem here


Harvest is the time
when the leafs fall off the trees
and land upon the ground.

The leafs all change colours
with green, yellow, red and orange,

If you run on the leafs
they will crunch.

Run to your home
because Autumn is here,
light your fire,
and get into your bed

age 9

what about this picture?

can you write a poem about it?
look at this picture

can you write a short story about it?

can you do your own typing?

tell us if you typed it yourself
Remember to tell us your age and first name.

Christmas Day

a happy day
because Jesus was born
in a manger in Bethlehem
one night.

From Amy
age 9


Have to beg for food,
Unscramble all the bins,
Never get a happy mood,
Get raw chicken instead.
A very dark place to sleep,
Really dark I say,
You won't dare to peep
And no-one can play.
So every boy and girl
Have rain every day.
We always get a beating
Even when we are sad.
Like no-one cares for you and me,
Love is not here.

By Tabitha and Alice both aged 7 from Talbot House School, Bournemouth.

did you write a poem at school today?

send it to us :-)

write a poem about the winter

is this your favourite season?
write a poem about your holidays

and we can put it here

tell your friends

about your work on this page

we will send you a certificate on email for putting your poem here.