
from 10-13 year olds :-)

Here you will find poetry from 10 to 13 year olds.

Footsteps of love

one night i had a dream
that i was walking by a stream
near a beach, with the lord
protected by his mighty sword
across the skies flashed scenes from my life
all together there were five
in each scene i noticed one set of footprints
in the sand, gave me some hints
one was mine and one was gods
near a tree that grew pea pods
when the last scene appeared before me
i looked back and i could see
that im the saddest most hardest times
there was only one set of fooprints left behind
i asked the lord about it
he told me to grab a chair and sit
i said, lord you told me that if i follow
you'd be by my side and i won't be hollow
you'd walk with me all the way
you said that you would forever stay
but i noticed during the most troublesome
there was a huge border-line
there only was one set of footprints in the sand
only one set of footprints in your land
you left my side when i needed you most
you made me feel like i was a ghost
the lord answered my precious child
i never left you during the tide
your tide on trial, where you see
only one set of footprints made by me
i was carrying you all the way
across the harbour and the bay
now do you understand my dear child
i never ever have left you behind

by: aanchal age 13
Hong Kong

When love is concerned

When love is concerned
No worldly concern is mentioned
The confusion is vanquished
My mind is cleared

When love is concerned
No pain is too great
The bacteria is conquered
My wound is healed

When love is concerned
No fight is too great
The anger subsides
My fists are lowered

When love is concerned
No emotion is greater
The lights are dimmed
My body becomes two

Seth age 13, USA


The luminous sphere of night,
The individual polishing everything in a florescent glow,
The shy one who hides in the clouds while they linger, peaking rarely;
Only showing its fury in beautiful crimson,
The mother of night,
The refection beauty,
The one of many faces,
My luna,
My moon;

by Amber
Age: 12

My World

A world where I can be me
A world where nobody can see

This is my world with my rules
A world with theme parks and pools

A world with good people, not bad
A world where no one feels sad

A world where you can do as you please
A world with perfect trees with perfect leaves

A world where your part of a team
This world, my world is my dream

by Jenna Yeomans aged 12


Quite a silent point
Unlike a squeaky joint
In a great big room
Excluding a zoom
Time for tea, in the noisy room

Rebecca Harvey
(aged 13)


My life has changed in many ways
The time keeps turning into days
Each event forms a color in my mind
Some I want to carry forward
Some I want to leave behind
My sad times I see in black
For happiness they do lack.
My pleasant times I see in blue
Clear, crisp, and ever so true
My happy times shine in yellow
For they make me feel complete and mellow
Im aiming for those sunny rays
A time when my life will be filled with happier days.

By, Marissa Garrock age: 13

My Mind, by Rosie, aged 12

Animal Counting Poem

One Wiggly Worm won a Wet Wombat.
Two apple Ants eat an Arty Alligator.
Three Chimpanzees meeting Cricket Chicken.
Four Bossy baboons won a buzzy Bear.
Five Plentiful Plodding Penguins Picnicing and Paddling.
Six Finger Fish Fishing For Food.
Seven Squashed Squirrels Sqeauling For Sandwich Town.
Eight hungry Hedgehogs hunting For history.
Nine tired Tigers tried to do Technology.
Ten Kite Kangaroos Kicked a Killer Whale


Hide and seek
(Nasrin 10 yrs.)

The sun plays hide and seek
in front of everyone,
In the night , I look out for him,
But the others have found him
In the morning he comes
to me again, smiling warmly.
As if to say "I WON!"
He really plays a hide and seek.
Who knows, if man learnt to play it from him?

Two poems in Swedish and English

I like the sea
I like the ocean
I like the lake
Cus it`s all water
and I care about it.

End hear is an Haiki- poem

Water could be cold
Water could be verry warm
Cus it`s evrywhere

From Teresia

and in Swedish

Jag gillar havet
Jag gillar osianen
Jag gillar sjön
För allt är vatten
och jag bryr mig om dem

and here is the second one:

Vatten kan va kallt
Vatten kan va mycket varmt
Det finns över allt


My Mind

These are the things I hear in my head.
These are the things I dream in my bed.
These are the things I dream to do.
Au revoir
These are the things I say to you.
Toodle do!


Chocolate is creamy,
It makes you feel dreamy,
It melts on your tongue,
Then sticks to the top of your mouth.
When you eat chocolate
It makes you feel like you’re in Heaven.
Everyone likes chocolate.
Chocolate is yummy!

Emma Appleyard

Mum and Dad.

To Mum and Dad,
I wish to say,
How much I love you,
More each day.

I love you because,
Of the care you show,
Your warmth and love,
Has helped me grow.

I appreciate,
All you've done for me,
You buy my nice clothes,
Cook me dinner and tea.

You both work hard,
To earn a living,
I want to thank you,
For sharing and giving.

I'm pleased to be you daughter,
It makes me so very glad,
I'm the luckiest girl in the world,
To have you as my Mum and Dad.

Haley Booth (11)

Picture of Joe Tracy

Dear Paula,

I wrote to poem because I love sport so much and I just wanted to let everyone know just how much I love it.


I'll ask, when I get to heaven
"Any sport? Pray do tell"
And if they say there isn't
I'll ask, "Where is hell?"

I am 12 years old and my name is Joe Tracy.

In The Deep Blue Sea

By Joe Tracy

Seals and Whales have both got tails
But crabs and shellfish don't.
Some have fins and others limbs
But see them, no I won't.

There's wiggly fish, jiggly fish,
Starfish and jellies,
And Angelfish monsters
Who hide on their bellys.

I didn't see these in the deep blue sea,
I saw them on the telly,
'Cos when I'm near the deep blue sea
My knees turn into jelly!

ME, MARVELLOUS ME! (by Rosie, age 12)

Me, marvellous me,
All cheery and bright.
Me, marvellous me,
Looking for a fight.
Me, marvellous me,
Not so marvellous any more.
Me, marvellous me,
In a heap on the floor.

Rabbit Habits

Habits, habits,
Really bad habits
Everyone’s got habits.
Habits, habits,
I’ve got a habit-
I twitch like a rabbit!

Emma Appleyard

I am a Girl by Amelia (age 10)


I am a girl with no feelings, not feelings at all.
I am sometimes with my friends, swimming, movies or mall.
I am a girl with no feeling, for if I love again
I'll be drowning in a pool of shame.

I am a girl with no feelings at all.
If I dont pull myself together I'll have a life of fame.
I am a girl with no feelings, no feelings at all.
So I mostly hang out with my friends.

I am alone in my cold, light room.
I only have one feeling in my heart.
It's in pieces and my love smashed it.

Now my heart is aching so bad I cannot breathe.
No one has had such an ache.

The pain is driving me crazy, berserk, loopy.
So if I ever love again
I know the pain is going to live again.

I may be strong,
but I am weak.
I may look happy,
but I'm not.
I may say life is good,
though it's a living hell.
I may think my life should end,
but you are the one to stop me.


My Dog Winston

My dog Winston
Is very sweet and cuddly,
He moans and groans to tell us
He’s hungry.
He loves to play-
He could play with his ball all day.
He loves to go on long, long walks
And when he sees another dog
He stops and barks.
I love him so much
He’s my dog WINSTON!

Emma Appleyard


Jelly on a plate,
Jelly on a plate,
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble,
Jelly on a plate.
Jelly in your belly
Makes your feet go smelly-
So when your feet go smelly
It means you’ve got jelly
In your belly!

Emma Appleyard

Please tell an adult that you sent your work here.

My Riddle.

I am really cosy and warm,
I have a huge soft jumper,
I like it when people hug my head,
I am really soft,
I have a thin layer of shin that changes colour,
I stay upstairs,
I have four legs and no arms,
At night I sleep, at day I wake sitting there,
People make me all pretty,
Sometimes I hear growl noises.

Amy Beeson.

Let Me Be.

Let me be your duvet,
When you‚re cold at night,
Let me be your light,
When your power goes out,
If you like I will be your corrector,
I will make it right,
I wanna be yours.

Let me be your shining star,
I'll make all your wishes come true,
Let me be your magic door,
I'll let you come through,
If you like I will,
Protect your possessions and dreams,
I will make them unseen,
I wanna be yours.

Let me be your extra hands,
When you can't hold things,
Let me be your money,
I'll buy you diamond rings,
If you like I'll take you out to the best restaurant in town,
I wanna be yours.

Let me be your hairbrush,
Running through your hair,
Let me be your aeroplane,
I don't really care I wanna be yours.

Let me be your everything,
I will not shout about,
Let me cook your food,
Sizzling in the pan,
If you like I will be your TV,
To keep you happy,
All I want is to be with you,
I wanna be yours.

By Amy Beeson.

Young Lost Love by Fred, 13


Can't stop my never ending fire
For you, my one and only desire.
I go to bed at night thinking of you
Just lie on my back remembering all the fun things we do.
Talk on the phone all through the night
Makin the best of our love with all my might.

When one day I ask you to the cinema
And you reply I'm on the plane to America.
That night I lay with tears from my eye,
Hoping you'd come back with one
Desperate sigh.

Who am I?

Am I a Cat
Am I a Catappillar
Am I a Rat
Am I an Anteater

Am I a Snail
Or am I some how a Whale
Am I a Frog
Sitting there catching flies on a log

Am I a Bee
Am I a hunny Bee
Or am I just me?
We shall see.

By Amelia Brown




Emma Appleyard

My Family

My family are great,
My family are fun,
They love me
Just like I love my family
And everyone.
Family are good to be with,
They help you through bad and good
I love my family
Like everyone should.

Emma Appleyard


Be a flower in the wind
Be a cloud in the sky
Be anything you want to be
Dream that you can fly

Be a fressia,be a rose
Be anything that grows and grows

Be a cloud in the sky
That just drifts by and by

Be anything you want to be

Dream that you can fly
High,high in the sky !

Name-Kelly Mcphee


When i look in my mirror
I know the girl i see
But there's something about her
That's just not me

The feelings that i have
Are sometimes very strange
I can feel good one day
And then i seem to change

Well,me and myself...
Me and myself are worlds apart
I know that doesn't make sense
But it's what i feel in my heart

My head is a puzzle
I don't know why ?
This girl is a muddle
I should laugh,but i cry

I need some help
To figure out who i am
But who do i ask
When i feel that i can ?

I have to say "goodbye" now
So "goodbye"
Just one more thing
"Who am i ? "

NAME-Kelly Mcphee

Spring is here

Spring is here!
Spring is here!
the Flowers are blooming everywhere.
The sun is shining in the air.
The kid are playing with their bears.
The rainbow is colorful in the air.
Spring is here!
Spring is here!

by: Amita

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